New Season Discussion

So every season we reflect on what we could improve upon. This season we've discussed the low attendance and how to best increase it. The best idea put forth is to reward attendance by giving 1 point. Since there is 26 weeks in a season, people are eligible for up to 26 points without ever having to win. The point payout will remain the same, i.e. 1st = 10 +1.....5th = 1 +1 (attendance).

If your just a casual poker player at ABQPT then this wont have any repercussions, your here to have a good time and that will never change. Rather, if your interested in making the final table then you will most likely need to attend the full season or at least most of it. No more getting 35 points early and not showing up for the rest of the season.

I think the merit of this approach is in rewarding people who contribute to the end of the year pot/equipment fund on a weekly basis. Overall, a premium should be set on attendance and not exclusively on skill.