Fox and the Hound (NHL and NBA) Pizza, wings, chips, and salsa!

Venue (Fox and the Hound [upstairs])

Well everyone who didn't show up missed out!  Twelve showed up at Art's turn for hosting at the Fox and the Hound.  We had all the upstairs to ourselves.  Two pool tables that would seat 10 nicely at each, television screens on all around, pizza, hot wings, chips and salsa!  All served by one cute waitress, Gabby, who was dedicated to serving us.  She did a great job serving and keeping us happy!  We watched the Blackhawks beat the Kings up close and the Spurs beat the Heat.  We may be there again next week, so hopefully you will all show up for a good time!   

Poker Action

The first two hands I made a straight and won both pots with about 600 in each.  On the big blind I made the 9 high straight with a board that came out 5-6-7-8.  On the little blind I made a straight with a 7-9 when the flop came 6-8-T.  So, I was feeling lucky! But not much later, I was dealt pocket Jacks.  Chris bet about 4,000 and Art went all-in.  Then the action came to me.  I had just lost a big pot to Chris, we both made a diamond flush and his was bigger.  So, I had about 3,000 and was looking for a big chip stack.  I figured go for broke or triple up.  So I called the all-in by Art.  Chris also called and turned over A-K unsuited.  Art turned over pocket A's and I had Jack's. Art's Aces held up and I was the first out.  Everyone else's stacks gravitated to Art the rest of the night as well. 

Memorable Hands

Baker, Partap, and Art go into a hand where there was some raising post flop.  Blinds were at 200/400.  The flop came 3-4-9.  Art bet out something like 1600 and was called by Partap and Baker.  Then the turn was a 5.  Art check and Partap went all-in.  Baker thought long and hard, but folded his pocket Q's thinking he had the best hand.  Art called and turned over the 2-6 for the straight.  Partap had A-9 with not flush possibilities, he was drawing dead to the river. 

TK called with the blinds now at 400/800 Art's raise of 1600.  Art and TK to the flop.  Q-T-7 flopped and TK thought a while and went all-in.  Art called, both gutsy plays as Art turned over A-K and TK K-J.  Another Q on the turn and a blank on the river and TK was eliminated. 

With six left and Baker on the big blind, Baker went all in with 10-2 diamonds, Art and Amy both called and saw the flop as well as Baker's cards since they were exposed.  But, it didn't really matter as Arty bet the flop and Amy folded.  Art hit a pair of 5's with A-5 and Baker did not hit anything, so he was eliminated 6th.  Baker made a comment, which reminded me of an article I read online recently about why being a poker pro is not all it is cracked up to be.  The top 10 reasons not to be a poker pro, the most memorable reason, is that you may as well stand up and bend over while you play, because poker will fuck you any chance it gets!  So, assume the position and get used to it if you want to continue playing this game we all love so much. 

Qtip managed to finish 5th and gain an extra point, Kevin finished 4th (I believe), and Ryan 3rd (passing me in the standings, asshole! :p).  When I left Amy and Art were heads up, Art was ahead in chips, but Amy was battling hard. 

So next week if the upstairs is available, we will be at the Fox and the Hound.  Let's make it a good crowd so we can represent the ABQPT and make some cash for Gabby or whoever will be our waitress on Thursday.  Just a reminder three weeks left in the season. Also, do not forget that your chipstack will be determined by your total points at the final table for this season.  If the older season is made up, which is is limbo, those stacks are not determined by chips stacks, everyone will have equal chip stacks.